CSP ARCHITECTS | BISHOPGATE HOUSE, 1 BISHOPGATE STREET, YORK, ENGLAND, YO23 1WH | 01904 641289 | studio@csparchitects.co.uk

St John Central - Student Accommodation, York
Conceived as part of the emerging Hungate Quarter in York’s central historic core, close to the River Foss, this new development provides accommodation for 258 York St John University students.
This is the third tranche of accommodation designed by the Practice for York St John University students and follows two earlier phases on nearby sites on the opposite bank of the River.
The building is configured to screen views of an adjacent multi-storey car park and present its principal façade to a new public square, proposed as a key feature of the Hungate masterplan (and coincidentally named St John’s Square), which will become a significant new addition to York’s public domain.
The design skilfully maximises the potential of the site and reconciles constraints imposed by the heritage location (within the City Walls), flood risks, archaeology and the requirements of the strategic Hungate masterplan.

Project Awards.