CSP ARCHITECTS | BISHOPGATE HOUSE, 1 BISHOPGATE STREET, YORK, ENGLAND, YO23 1WH | 01904 641289 | studio@csparchitects.co.uk
Percys Place - Student Accommodation, York
The final piece of a new streetscape on a prominent corner plot in York's Central Historic Core, this development relocates a small retail unit to complete the townscape following extensive redevelopment of adjacent sites.
106 new student bedrooms, common rooms and communal facilities are arranged around the south and east boundaries of the site with townhouse entrances directly off the footpath and apartments accessed from a new landscaped courtyard within the site.
Dramatic projecting bays highlight residential entrances in the street, articulating the street-facing elevations to create modelling and rhythm along Navigation Road and Percy's Lane. A 'conical' zinc roof resolves intersecting building forms at the corner of the site and contributes to a distinctive composition that enlivens the neighbourhood.